COCONUT 2.0: The Comprehensive Resource for Open Natural Products

Natural products (NPs) are small molecules produced by living organisms with significant potential in pharmacology and various industries due to their bioactivity. This potential has sparked extensive NP research worldwide, leading to the creation of numerous general and thematic NP databases. However, until now, there has been no single online resource consolidating all known NPs, which would greatly enhance NP research and facilitate computational screening and other in silico applications.

We are excited to introduce the COlleCtion of Open Natural prodUcTs (COCONUT) 2.0 - platform: a comprehensive dataset of elucidated and predicted NPs sourced from open databases, accompanied by a user-friendly web based curation and submission interface. COCONUT allows for easy browsing, searching, and downloading of NPs, streamlining your research process.

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Our mission

Empowering researchers to unlock the full potential of natural products. We aim to support scientists in the collection, storage, processing, analysis, publication, and re-use of natural product data, making it accessible and useful for various applications. Our mission is to provide a unified, open platform that simplifies natural product research and enhances computational screening and other in silico applications.

Cheminformatics Microservice and Natural Products Online are developed and maintained by the Steinbeck group at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany. Funded by ChemBioSys (Project INF) - Project number: 239748522 - SFB 1127.

COCONUT infrastucture code is licensed under the MIT license. Complete curated dataset is available for download under CC0 License.

Help Desk
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Contributors and Steering Committee
At COCONUT, our global contributors bring a wealth of diverse expertise to our platform. Guided by a seasoned Steering Committee, we ensure strategic oversight, foster innovation, and drive continuous improvement in all our endeavors.
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Our documentation-first approach enables our developers and chemists to collaborate on proposed features, ensuring implementations accurately address real-world use cases.
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Powered by Google Cloud

COCONUT - cloud infrastructure is managed by Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) and was made possible through support from the Google Cloud Research Credits program.

Google Cloud